My Sweet Pea’s in Texas

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hate being sick!!

I feel like a freight train has run over me. I got the stupid flu!! Yuck!! Because I called it stupid it is going to beat me up some more. ;-) When I got home from work on Thursday I started feeling very achy. Also more tired then I already had been feeling for the last two days. So my friend called me to let me know that she had gotten me some stuff for Emmy and I told her I thought I had it. She said I have a flu test if want to take it. I said please. She works at a Drs Office. Yup came back positive. She had some tamiflu with her so I started it and called my dr and got the rest of the doses I needed to get rid of this mess. I feel bad because I worked with the 2 year olds at work on Tuesday and Thursday. I sure hope no one gets this crud. I do not wish it on my worst enemy. I really hope that Gary and the girl's do not get this mess. Today I still feel very bad!! I just want to sleep and I can barely talk my throat is so sore. So it is not looking good for me tonight when we normally go to my parent’s house. I guess I will send Gary and the girls. I am going back to the couch and hope the girls won’t attack me there. Hee hee:-D

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