My Sweet Pea’s in Texas

Monday, February 25, 2008

I am in need of

some help. I am VERY frustrated right now and I do not know what to do!! Katie has been VERY FRUSTRATING and I have no clue how to go about changing things. She hardly ever listens to me. Gets into things over and over again. And just will not leave her sister alone and she has this thing of now going into her room and waking her up. Which was kind of fine two weeks ago but now Emmy is in a big girl bed so here they both come into my room at 630 in the morning. Then Emmy is very grouchy and won't go back to sleep. Then to top it all off I feel she is not getting enough sleep so that is making her grouchy on top of it all. She talks back. She sounds like a 13 year old sometimes. I am sorry I keep rambling. I am just at a very aggravated point right now. I have tried time outs, taking stuff away. I am just at a loss right now!! Any suggestions?? I know a lot of it has to be because she is 3 and it is the age but this bad!!??!!??


Anonymous said...

Three is the new Two (terrible two). I am not a mom, but I am a teacher. I say stay on top of her and treat her like she deserves... keep taking away those privileges if that is what she deserves.

BTW, Very cute page top

Susie said...

Thank you I needed that!! Thank you about the page top!!! I made it myself!!

Anonymous said...

No prob, she will eventually understand why you do what you do and she can't do somethings. I wouldn't threaten her with the punishments, but teach her why it is 'bad' or 'wrong'. This will teach her not to fear the punishment, but right from wrong. Its easier to use the punishment as motivator (my parents did), but the moral lesson is longer lasting.

Ps, tell my big cous hi and I love him. :) Avoid those fires out there!

~aj~ said...

My experience with kids this age is that some have a naughty streak and some don't. Also, what works for some kids doesn't always work for every kid.

If she is misbehaving, I'd say she needs to be punished in some way. If what you're doing isn't working, find something else. Find what works for her and I bet you'll see lots of improvement.

Good luck!

Susie said...

Thank you for the advise. I figured that what we were doing was not working I just couldn't figure out what to do. So I have revamped our timeout for her. She now has to be in her room for 15min timeout. At the end of that time she comes out and tells me why she was in timeout. It has been helping a bunch!!